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When it’s time to remodel your home, you may have questions and concerns regarding the process, price, and details of the project. As a renowned OKC home remodeling company, Southwest Builders is here to lend our expertise and industry knowledge to help you better understand what a home remodel service entails, enabling you to make informed decisions about the future of your home.

Home Remodeling Contractors in Oklahoma City

Why Should I Remodel My Home?

Investing in a home remodel can be a beneficial decision that improves the functionality and value of your home. Some of the advantages of a home remodel include the following:

  • Increased property value
  • Enhanced comfort and environment
  • Greater functionality
  • Improved energy-efficiency
  • Enhanced aesthetic value

For more information regarding our home remodeling company or to discuss your home renovation plans, the experts at Southwest Builders are here for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our professionals, and let’s plan your home remodeling project.

Southwest Builders accepts cash, checks, and all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We also offer specialized financing options through Synchrony Bank with plans that allow for short-term, no-interest financing for 6-12 months.

We strive to make your home remodeling service as stress-free and simple as possible, which is why we handle all of the necessary permits and inspections that may be required for your project. We are well-versed in the local building codes and regulations, and we ensure that every project is compliant with the relevant laws and regulations. Furthermore, we will also handle any paperwork, so you can sit back and relax as we revamp your home.

We understand that every homeowner is different. That’s why we offer custom home renovations that satisfy an array of diverse style preferences. As versatile and experienced professionals, we work hard to accommodate any design you may want for your home. Our job is to take your vision and bring it to life.

We remain true to our code of ethics and stand behind our work, ensuring our clients feel comfortable and secure when choosing us as their trusted home remodeling company. We offer a warranty on all of our remodeling services, including a one-year warranty on workmanship and materials.

We are proud to show off our hard work and exceptional results. You can contact us to schedule a consultation where we can share our portfolio of completed jobs, as well as check out our testimonials page to see what our customers have to say about our services.

When we are faced with change orders, our team takes immediate action in an effort to remain within the preferred time frame and budget of our clients. Our experts will review the requested changes and provide a new estimate, including the additional costs and work that may be involved with the change, allowing our clients to have a transparent understanding of their project specifications.

At Southwest Builders, we understand that you may have a change of heart during your home remodel service, and we accept design changes should they occur. However, it’s important to note that while we don’t mind modifying your plans, it may affect your budget and time frame.

The length of your remodel will depend on several factors. We consider the size of the space, the materials used and how accessible they may be, the weather if we will be working outdoors, and several other key components.

A full-scale kitchen or bathroom remodel can take 4-6 weeks if they’re smaller rooms, or upward of 2-4 months if they are larger. During your initial consultation, we will be able to provide you with an estimate of your specific project time frame.

If you are considering a full-scale remodel, the process will be conducted in phases. We consider both the time and resources required to complete your entire home, and we work strategically to ensure you can continue to live comfortably during your home remodel.

Southwest Builders extends our trusted residential and commercial remodeling services to Oklahoma City and surrounding areas, including Edmond, Norman, Moore, and Yukon.

Prior to beginning your home remodeling service, our experts will meet with you for a complimentary consultation to discuss the specific needs of your home and your design preferences. By gaining a deeper understanding of the scope of the project, we will be able to provide you with an accurate, free estimate of your home remodeling service.

Dust is an inevitable part of the renovation process. Larger projects that involve tearing down walls or structures may produce more dust than smaller tasks such as replacing countertops. However, our professionals take pride in our work, and we will leave your home the way we found it, cleaning up any dust and debris that may arise during the remodeling process.

At Southwest Builders, we manage the details of your project for a hassle-free remodeling experience. However, there are several measures you may take to prepare your home for renovation work, such as:

  • Clear your personal belongings from the surfaces of the area.
  • Take down any picture frames or decorations on the walls.
  • Clean out drawers or cabinets.

Southwest Builders is fully insured and comprised of a team of licensed and highly trained professionals, ensuring your home is protected should the unexpected arise. Furthermore, we take great pride in ensuring our services are conducted to the highest safety standards so our clients can rest assured that they are in the best hands.

The cost of a remodeling service will vary significantly depending on the scope of the project. When determining an estimate for your home remodel, our experts consider several key factors, such as:

  • The type of renovations needed: A small closet remodel will require drastically less expenditure than a full-scale kitchen makeover.
  • The complexity of your renovations: If your home has any structural restrictions or specific limitations that require additional demolition work or specialized electrical or plumbing features, the price may increase.
  • The materials used: We offer an array of quality materials; however, some materials are more expensive than others. If you opt for a high-end material, such as natural stone, you will be looking at a considerable price increase.

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